Display Security
EAS Security Gates
Tags and Safers
There are a lot of options available in both alarmed and non alarmed security. From single items to bays of multiple items, we have a solution for you.
Security gates -EAS - systems are designed to help retailers boost their sales and protect their profits by increasing open merchandising opportunities while reducing shoplifting and internal theft.
We stock effective security labels for a wide variety of uses in retail situations.You can choose from AM (acoustic magnetic) or radio frequency security labels below. Both are easy to apply and offer a reliable security solution for most retail stores.
IT Security
We provide various IT display security solutions suitable for every situation or location. From mechanical to electronic security: mobile phones security stands, camera security stands, laptops security, tablet security stands or notebooks security.
Made in New Zealand of quality stainless steel, Sharks Teeth come in standard sized sections which can be combined to provide a multitude of options for your store. They can also be custom made to suit your requirements..
Sharks Teeth
The most effective passive device that detects fraud in real time.
The ScanCam device has proven to significantly reduce the time it takes to review video as well as having an immediate impact on your operators’ scanning behaviour improving honesty and efficiency.
People Counting
Retail Analytics
By measuring your visitor traffic, you can evaluate your marketing efforts and other factors affecting your sales.
Gain valuable insights relating to Marketing Spend Vs Foot Fall numbers.Is the perfect solution to gather short term or long term intelligence about customer traffic flow from a single entry location
to a multi-level, multiple entry shopping centre.
Get insight in visitor flows, trend analysis, evaluation of advertising campaigns, deployment and performance of your personnel. Increase your buyer-to-traffic ratio and revenue per customer thanks to real-time management information, 100% customized to your needs.